• Organic Black Seed Kalonji Oil - Nigella Sativa Buy Online

(59 Previews)

(60 customer reviews )

مكمل زيت الحبة السوداء الغذائي، طبيعي 100% ومعصور على البارد وحاصل شهادة من وزارة الزراعة الأمريكية- 8 أونس.


Orders Shipped in 2 Days
تضع Naturments بين يديك زيت الحبة السوداء المعروف بفوائده العديدة بأنقى صوره وأكثرها فاعلية، وذلك بعد عصره على البارد لضمان قوة تأثيره. نحن نقدم لكم زيت حبة البركة الغني بالأحماض الدهنية ومضادات الأكسدة والبروتينات والفيتامينات، بالإضافة إلى المادة الفعالة المتمثلة في مركبات النيجلون و الثيموكينون المسؤولة عن خصائص حبة البركة العلاجية.

  • 🌿 طبيعية 100% ومعتمدة: حصل زيت حبة البركة البكر الذي نقدمه على الاعتماد وذلك لكونه طبيعيًا ونقيًا بنسبة 100%. سيحوز هذا المنتج على إعجابك بكل تأكيد لأنه نباتي غير معدل وراثيُا ومطابق لتعاليم الشريعة الإسلامية، كما أنه خالٍ من الجلوتين والمواد الحافظة.
  • 🌿 معصور على البارد لضمان فاعليته: هل ترغب في وزن مناسب، هل تريد التمتع ببشرة صحية وشعر وأظافر أقوي؟ حسنًا، منتجنا من زيت الحبة السوداء المعصور على البارد غني بالثيموكينون وفيتامينات ب1 وب2 وب3 ومضادات الأكسدة لتتمتع بصحة أفضل.
  • 💪 تقوية الجهاز المناعي: تناوُل زيت حبة البركة مع مزيج من العسل والماء الدافئ يساعد في الحفاظ على صحة الجهاز المناعي وتعزيز وظائف الجهاز الهضمي.


غير متوفر في المخزون

SKU: BSO 8 Oz Category:

عن المنتج:

تضع Naturments بين يديك زيت الحبة السوداء المعروف بفوائده العديدة بأنقى صوره وأكثرها فاعلية، وذلك بعد عصره على البارد لضمان قوة تأثيره. نحن نقدم لكم زيت حبة البركة الغني بالأحماض الدهنية ومضادات الأكسدة والبروتينات والفيتامينات، بالإضافة إلى المادة الفعالة المتمثلة في مركبات النيجلون و الثيموكينون المسؤولة عن خصائص حبة البركة العلاجية.

  • 🌿 طبيعية 100% ومعتمدة: حصل زيت حبة البركة البكر الذي نقدمه على الاعتماد وذلك لكونه طبيعيًا ونقيًا بنسبة 100%. سيحوز هذا المنتج على إعجابك بكل تأكيد لأنه نباتي غير معدل وراثيُا ومطابق لتعاليم الشريعة الإسلامية، كما أنه خالٍ من الجلوتين والمواد الحافظة.
  • 🌿 معصور على البارد لضمان فاعليته: هل ترغب في وزن مناسب، هل تريد التمتع ببشرة صحية وشعر وأظافر أقوي؟ حسنًا، منتجنا من زيت الحبة السوداء المعصور على البارد غني بالثيموكينون وفيتامينات ب1 وب2 وب3 ومضادات الأكسدة لتتمتع بصحة أفضل.
  • 💪 تقوية الجهاز المناعي: تناوُل زيت حبة البركة مع مزيج من العسل والماء الدافئ يساعد في الحفاظ على صحة الجهاز المناعي وتعزيز وظائف الجهاز الهضمي.
  • عبوة زجاجية رائعة الصُنع لمنتج جيد الحفظ: صُمِمت العبوة الزجاجية بشكل دقيق لمنع تسرب أي مادة إلى زيت الحبة السوداء الذي بداخلها وحمايته من
  • ضمان استرجاع المال خلال 60 يومًا: نحرص على رضا عملائنا من الرجال والسيدات عن منتج زيت الحبة السوداء المعصور على البارد، فإذا لم يعجبكم المنتج يمكنكم التواصل معنا واسترداد الثمن كاملًا.
  • منتجاتنا من زيت الحبة السوداء عالية الجودة ومعتمدة من وزارة الزراعة الأمريكية DSDA لأنها طبيعية 100%، كما أن الزيت معصور على البارد للمحافظة على خصائصه الغذائية والعلاجية.
  • ينصح المعالجون بالطبيعة والمختصون بالأعشاب باستخدام زيت الحبة السوداء الطبيعي.
  • ويقولون من واقع خبرتهم، أن زيت الكمون الأسود (أو ما يُعرف بالشوينز المزروع أو حبة البركة) يساهم في الحصول على شعر صحي ووزن مناسب وبشرة مثالية وأظافر قوية.
    • طبيعي 100% ومعتمد من وزارة الزراعة الأمريكية USDA

    زيت معصور على البارد من بذور طبيعية غير معدلة وراثيًا

    صُنِع في خط إنتاج حاصل على شهادة الأيزو ISO 2000 ومطابقة للمواصفات التصنيعية الجيدة GMP ونظام الـ HACCP

    صالح للاستخدام الداخلي كمكمل غذائي

    خالٍ من الهكسان والمواد الحافظة

    خالٍ من الألوان والنكهات الصناعية

    نباتي ومطابق للشريعة الإسلامية

    فوهة عبوة مناسبة لسهولة الاستخدام

    عبوة زجاجية للحفاظ على المنتج نقيًا

  • يأتيكم زيت حبة البركة من Naturments في عبوة زجاجية مصممة خصيصًا لحجب الضوء عن المنتج، وبالتالي الحفاظ على قوته وفعاليته لفترة أطول.
  • عند شراء المنتج عبر الانترنت، تحصلون على كتيب إلكتروني مجاني “الحبة المعجزة”؛ يُرجى قراءته لمعرفة طريقة استخدام زيت الحبة السوداء النقي في المنزل لتعزيز عملية التمثيل الغذائي والمحافظة على الوزن والحصول على شعر صحي وأظافر قوية والتمتع بالصحة والعافية.*
  • *العبارات المذكورة أعلاه لا تعبر عن تقييم إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية، ولا يُقصد من هذه المنتجات تشخيص أو معالجة أو الوقاية من أية أمراض.

60 مراجعة لـ مكمل زيت الحبة السوداء الغذائي، طبيعي 100% ومعصور على البارد وحاصل شهادة من وزارة الزراعة الأمريكية- 8 أونس.

  1. 5

    (60 Previews)

    KODZO – Five Stars


  2. 4

    (60 Previews)

    Barbara A. Cristao – Love the taste

    Just started using this product. Love the taste.

  3. 4

    (60 Previews)

    Deborah Foster – My opinion of this product

    This product is one of my favorite just a littLe pricey

  4. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Larry J – Five Stars

    Very satisfied. High quaLity oil.

  5. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Amazon Customer – Five Stars

    ExceLlent product & packaging.

  6. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Barbara A. Cristao

    Exceptional product

  7. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Carroll L Peyton


  8. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Isaiah L – Five Stars

    Have watched my diabetes get better, with better sugar readings. OveraLl health is better as welL.

  9. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Amazon Customer – Five Stars

    I order this oil because of the benefits I use it every day. The deLivery was on time.

  10. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Amazon Customer – I recommend it

    This product has worked as advertised, I recommend it

  11. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Jacqueline alive in Christ – Five Stars

    I like the oiL, the packaging is superb too

  12. 5

    (60 Previews)

    erin – Best BLack Seed Oil on the Market.

    This is an amazing product Packaging is super Luxe check out my unboxing video. ALso, the oil is light and the
    taste is smooth. I drink it straight with no probLem. It aLso comes with a link to a free eBook to learn more about
    the benefits of black seed oil You get a big bottle will definitely repurchase!

  13. 4

    (60 Previews)

    Amazon Customer – love this stuff

    Love this stuff, mixes weLl with shay butter, coconut oil and Moringa oil Smells wonderful and think enough to Leave my skin soft and oiLed aLL day.

  14. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Enngel – Two Stars

    0k but too expensive.

  15. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Amazon Customer – I simply Love it!

    incredible products. I simpLy love it!!!

  16. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Dano Chekov – Five Stars

    Worked wonders for me

  17. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Kindle Customer

    It also tastes great with grape juice.

  18. 4

    (60 Previews)

    ST – Wonderful Oil!

    “I had read about the health benefits of Nigetla Sativa on Wellness Mamas blog (a site by which I swear!), but had yet to encounter it at my usual aromatherapy haunts. Bless you.
    intemet, for having some of the coolest stuff available when real life has failed me.
    Iíve been using this for a few things and have seen results in some areas and little in others. No oil is a one-size-fits-all, nor did I expect this to be. I tried using it in almost all the
    ways I read that it can be effective and several turned out awesome.
    The overall take away is this: Iím very happy with the things that have worked and am totally okay with using my other oils to supplement any lacking areas.
    Color Amber
    Viscosity: light-to-Medium
    Scent: Minimal, nutty or umami
    Packaging and bottle: Great] No switching for storage required
    Taste: Slightly nutty, very palatable
    Weight loss: Iíve been taking a spoonful in the moming in place of my MCTí (coconut-based) oil I havenít noticed any weight loss, but my energy is up if I start my day with this.
    If I feel a crash around lunch, sometimes Iíll take another spoonful. So while I canít say that Iíve seen results with the weight I have felt different in my energy levels.
    Allergies: Iím allergic to dust mites and cockroaches. Right now my area is on fire (Hi, Southern Californian here!) and between the ash making its way into my house and
    collecting into dust piles and bugs scurrying indoors for protection, my allergies are going CRAZy. The HEPA filter is on 24f?, Iím having to take Benadryl on top of my usual
    meds. and my emergency inhaler doesnt leave my side. Since taking the oil internally, Iíve noticed that Iím less dependent on the Benadryt at night. Iíve also been applying it
    directly to my skin and inside my nostrils when sneezing and wheezing turns into itching. Again, itís not a miracle worker, but it noticeably has helped. I mainly use external
    application closer to bedtime because internal has the potential to wake me up.
    Skin and Hair: This is where the oil has fallen short for me. ft absorbs okay-ish into my skin, but Iíve reverted back to coconut and jojoba for hydration and nourishment. ft was
    also a tad too oily for my hair. As I recently cut it short, this could just be an issue that the hairs are fairly undamaged and new growth. Perhaps when my hair is longer, using this
    oil will be more applicable to my needs. For now, Iím sticking with Argan for hair oil treatments.
    A little of this goes a long way and Ill be sure to update my review if I see any further results.
    Images: One is of my morning spoonful. The other image is the oil mixed with a little bit of honey to apply as a homemade facial.

  19. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Amazon Customer

    Thank you

  20. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Amazon Customer

    Great service. Will consider again when reordering.

  21. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Sue P.

    Awesome product. Great packaging

  22. 5

    (60 Previews)


    Good stuff

  23. 5

    (60 Previews)

    my reality

    Arrived in timely fashion, will update when used.

  24. Hyman – Good black seed oil

    Good black seed oil I have more energy and have felt better

  25. 5

    (60 Previews)

    hyman brown

    Excellent service

  26. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Betty Waggoner

    Quick delivery!

  27. 4

    (60 Previews)



  28. 5

    (60 Previews)


    Awesome produck!

  29. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Robert Marks

    Very pleased with the purchase

  30. 5

    (60 Previews)


    Item as described, received by estimated delivery date. Thanks!

  31. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Sabine – Felt increase in my energy level and supports my immune system

    Really good quality and helped me a lot in increasing my energy and supporting my immune system.I like it so much and highly recommend

  32. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Mike Lindsey

    Good experience

  33. 5

    (60 Previews)


    Excellent product and great transaction

  34. 5

    (60 Previews)

    LG in PA – Taste Great

    Smooth cLean taste. Large size BottLe

  35. 5

    (60 Previews)


    Awsome, plus packaged well

  36. 4

    (60 Previews)

    Lynda – Taste Great!

    Smooth clean taste. Large size Bottle

  37. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Martin – Premium Dietary Supplement

    I was curious about this Label – premium dietary suppLement – on a bottLe of cold-pressed oiL – weLL, yes certified organic. non-GMO and aLL that great stuff as welL. But then I checked the suppLements fact on the boule – and reaLized – why not? Because it was so rich in good stuffs The high omega fatty acids made me wonder why people struggLed with fish oiLs. This is quite a reformation! I take haLf a teaspoon with honey and warm water twice daily – has heLped with my immunity – I know because my hay fever is quite decent these days.

  38. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Malik – The Best Black Seed Oil on Amazon – Will Change your Life

    This is the best black seed oil on Amazon. The taste, texture and density of the oil supplement is perfect. It ís smooth without any after taste. I just love it. I was immensely happy that Naturments used an ALL-GLASS Bottle which better preserves the oil supplement. The design, packaging and attention to details of this product is just perfect. Love it! If you havenít used black seed oil before, you should because it will change your life. The benefits are endless. It ís like a natural miracLe supplement that prevents so much disease, boosts energy, metabolism, better skin, hair and overall well being. All of this is backed by sound research.

    I rarely leave feedback for products, but I’m so impressed by Naturments Black Seed Oil that I took the time to post this review and the attached video.

    ***** What an amazing Black Seed Oil

  39. 5

    (60 Previews)


    Love Love LOVE this black seed oil! I saw a deal on my Facebook page and decided I would give it a try. I was running out of my last bottLe and needed to re-up and BOY AM I HAPPY I DID! Affordable AND of an EXCELLENT quality! Only problem now is that I saw a better offer far the same ail with the same Naturments seller but whenever I click & get offer from Facebook has a pop up that says Facebook has stopped unfortunately and I am unable to purchase more. Someone PLEASE look into this! I still gave a 5-star rating bc the product is deserves it and it arrived in a speedy manner.

  40. 5

    (60 Previews)

    angela wells

    I’m on the last dose for this bottle today. I like the product I am noticing a difference in my energy I think if your new to taking black seed you need to take 1 teaspoon for a week and then 2 teaspoons daily but I can’t wait to get the other bottle I ordered to start on faithfully and I will post on that sellers page. Overall great experience with this seller

  41. 5

    (60 Previews)


    This is the best black seed oil out there. It is palatable and has a smooth, rich taste. I usually take it twice a day. A spoonful in the morning followed by a little raw honey and/or something warm to drink, and another spoonful in the evening before dinner. One bottle lasts about a month with regular use.
    Ordering is super easy and it ships fast. I have recommended Naturments black seed oil to my family and friends as well as others who are aware of the many benefits of the oil of this blessed seed. It also makes for an awesome gift idea! The packaging is secure and it comes in a good-sized dark glass bottle with a very pretty label. I will be ordering it again and again!

  42. 5

    (60 Previews)

    On The Fly

    It is always a positive purchasing experience to conduct business with this “FIRST CLASS” company. No stone is unturned! They sell a SUPERIOR QUALITY product! The packaging is just simply EXQUISITE! Respectfully, On The Fly

  43. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Amazon Customer

    A pleasure working with this seller. I love this brand of black seed oil and was ECSTATIC with the price. I bought FIVE BOTTLES of oil for the price of ONE bottle of oil from a rival seller. DEFINITELY a steal

  44. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Adamm – Like most people

    Like most people, I found some Literature on black seed oil and the raving benefits it has on us. After doing some research on which product to buy. I came across this particular bottle and decided to try it out. I must say, the bottle and container were nice but aside from the asthetics, I dont know how people can tolerate the taste by gulping a tea spoon of oil by itself but kudos to you guys. Iím going to suck it up and drink it up and update this review after about a month.

  45. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Abdul Rahoof – My HG Black Seed Oil

    I am a user of natural oils for my skin and my latest experiments have been with black seed oiL I ordered for this product by naturments seeing that it was sold as a Premium Dietary Supplement and had all the qualities a pure oil should have written on the label. Although that was not the logic I used to order k for skincare. If k was good enough to ingest, k would be the best for skincare as well. When I finally got the product a few days after ordering, I was totally sold on the packaging! Loved k, naturments! Coming to the quality of black seed oil – I was happy to find that k was unfiltered and the pure black seed oil smell and colour made me happy. What made me happier is that I have finally found my HG Black Seed OiL It is helping me with my acne and a little goes a looooong way!
    I am a user of natural oils for my skin and my latest experiments have been with black seed oiL I ordered for this product by naturments seeing that it was sold as a Premium Dietary Supplement and had all the qualities a pure oil should have written on the label. Although that was not the logic I used to order k for skincare. If k was good enough to ingest, k would be the best for skincare as well. When I finally got the product a few days after ordering, I was totally sold on the packaging! Loved k, naturments! Coming to the quality of black seed oil – I was happy to find that k was unfiltered and the pure black seed oil smell and colour made me happy. What made me happier is that I have finally found my HG Black Seed OiL It is helping me with my acne and a little goes a looooong way!

  46. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Deborah Foster

    I am very pleased with this brand of black seed oil it arrived on time I will order this again. I would love to have a bigger bottle thanks again for the quality

  47. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Hadiq – Excellent

    This black seed oil has helped me bust stress and relax after a long day’s work. I spent hours in front of the computer at my office. Often, I have had to try hard to get a good night’s rest. Then somewhere I read about the ability of black seed oil to relax you and give you great rest at night I take half a teaspoon of Naturments Black Seed oil and stir it in a cup of hot herbal tea and sip it up as I sit back and stretch my legs. This truly helps!

  48. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Lourdes Parris

    I took 1 tble as directed and two hours later, I was in the bathroom evacuating my system of toxins. It felt great getting rid of waste so quickly. The taste is not too bad. This is the first time I have tried this product and will continue to use it, as long as it continues to work for me.

  49. 5

    (60 Previews)

    rodney c. guishard

    The product is excellent. I ingest the product undiluted, directly from the bottle. It has a pleasing aroma and taste. The product is obviously well packaged and prepared with care. My main concern is cost. I have not tried less expensive alternatives but may have to try them. While the packaging is superb one can’t help but hope that it is not a significant contributor to cost. Thanks.

  50. 5

    (60 Previews)


    Product arrived as scheduled. Packaging was top notch and very secure. I am very pleased.

  51. 5

    (60 Previews)

    On The Fly

    Please accept my sincere appreciation for such a SUPERIOR PRODUCT!
    Tears of joy are streaming from my eyes! Please know that you are not just selling a product each day; you are saving the lives of people like me. Please convey to the owner that I am extremely happy with my product.
    Deborah D. Brown

  52. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Melba A. Harris

    My first time ever using Cumin Black Seed Oil. I started taking the oil the very next day and immediately felt energized the entire day! I have 10 more days before I’ll be able to see/experience its full effects ! (Based on it takes a full 21 Days to see any improvements)

  53. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Melba A. Harris

    My first time ever using Cumin Black Seed Oil. I started taking the oil the very next day and immediately felt energized the entire day! I have 10 more days before I’ll be able to see/experience its full effects ! (Based on it takes a full 21 Days to see any improvements)

  54. 5

    (60 Previews)

    JZ Lewis

    Will continue to take this as my research shows it is very good for the body. Is easy to shallow with a unique but not overwhelming taste.

  55. 4

    (60 Previews)


    The pretty container was torn top and bottom. The bottle show no damage, so I am assuming the content is ok. I have had this product before and it seem to work for my joint pain.

  56. 5

    (60 Previews)


    This is without question a very high quality oil, I appreciate the level of care demonstrated by the seller with this product. It’s
    certified organic, kosher, halal, is cold-pressed, virgin oil. The packaging is very impressive, the bottle is black and is inside of its own cylindrical container, (also black) designed to protect the quality of its contents.

  57. 4

    (60 Previews)

    PauLette Petty – Five Stars

    Good stuff! Mixes weLL with honey and lemon!

  58. 5

    (60 Previews)


    Prompt delivery & secure packaging. Just begun regular use so cannot comment on effigy yet.

  59. 5

    (60 Previews)


    The product tasted fine in comparison to what I had read about black seed oil in general. I felt having more energy after taking it. My sleep improved. I have taken it for 10 days now so it is early to say more. The only issue that I can raise at least for me is the cost. If I were to continue this on regular basis it is costly for me.

  60. 5

    (60 Previews)

    Lisa Mary BaLlantyne – Five Stars

    Great for you but use only a teaspoon or be in bathroom all day!

إضافة مراجعة

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

مكمل زيت الحبة السوداء الغذائي، طبيعي 100% ومعصور على البارد وحاصل شهادة من وزارة الزراعة الأمريكية- 8 أونس.

مكمل زيت الحبة السوداء الغذائي، طبيعي 100% ومعصور على البارد وحاصل شهادة من وزارة الزراعة الأمريكية- 8 أونس.


(59 Previews)

(60 customer reviews )