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Benefits of A Ketogenic Diet

Recent findings and resultant diet recommendations advocate low-carb diets for long term health. Low-carb diets are the most ideal for weight loss, fitness regimens and prevention and control of lifestyle diseases like Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension and many others.

As a low-carb diet, ketogenic diet is an ideal choice for those who are trying hard to get to their fitness goals and maintain their health without going hungry or losing vigor.

In quick points, a ketogenic diet might also benefit you in the following ways:

  • Regulating blood sugar levels and improving insulin resistance, in turn preventing or eliminating Diabetes, type I and type II.
  • Improving HDL cholesterol and triglycerides and reducing LDL cholesterol (responsible for arterial plaques), consequently reducing the risk factors for cardiac diseases.
  • Reduction in skin inflammation and lesions, helping in acne control
  • Controlled appetite and lesser cravings since fat is heavier and slowly digested, keeping you feel fuller for longer time.
  • Effective in epilepsy for preventing seizures, especially in children.

A Few Predictable, Manageable Side Effects

Every metabolic change to the human body undergoes a short transition period during which the body is adapting to the new habits. You will probably experience one or more of the following mild side effects when you start on a keto diet. However, they are short-term side effects and not life-threatening or unmanageable and not everlasting.

  • Headaches
  • Foggy mind
  • Weakness and Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Dizziness
  • Flu-like symptoms

The sudden unavailability of the usual amount of carbohydrates and easy glucose is the cause of the above symptoms and they last only for as long as your body is adapting to the low-carb consumption.

Further, low-carb intake also results in dehydration (loss of water), so these side effects are fairly manageable by increasing the intake of water and salts since it will help replenish and retain fluid.

Ketosis and Ketoacidosis – One and the Same?

Certainly, NOT!

Ketosis is a normal survival process of the body in the unavailability of carbohydrate ready to be broken down to glucose.

It is a beneficial process that can be induced by a careful charted diet providing an alternative source of energy in the form of fat to the body instead of carbohydrate with moderate amounts of protein. Its benefits weigh out a lot of your health problems.

Whereas, Ketoacidosis is life-threatening.

Ketoacidosis is seen mostly in diabetics who run on deficient insulin, or is under injury or illness, or just don’t take enough fluids. Ketoacidosis can also occur in alcoholics, hyperthyroid individuals or in actual starvation. In ketoacidosis, the ketones in blood are so high that the blood is rendered highly acidic. This is fatal if untreated.

Ketosis that happens under a safe, well-managed ketogenic diet has only a safe amount of ketones in the bloodstream, that doesn’t push the body into ketoacidosis

Monitoring Ketones Under a Ketogenic Diet

It is always good to know that everything is under control. While on a ketogenic diet, keep a check of your ketone levels. This can be done at home.

Ketone levels can be measured in your blood, urine or breath. Checking blood ketone levels is the most accurate way to monitor ketone levels while urine testing of ketones may be less accurate although most affordable for starters. A breathe meter can also give an approximate reading of ketones present in the exhaled breath.

Making the Ketogenic Diet Easy

While the breakdown of macronutrients in a ketogenic diet sounds ideal for fat and oil lovers, the whole plan could go wrong with some wrong choices. The amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to be consumed have already been discussed. Where many new followers of this sacred diet could go wrong is in the type of fat they choose to eat.

Yes, indeed, the type of fat eaten matters!

It could become a hassle to find the right fats, make sure the lists don’t go wrong and measure how much you eat. That’s where we can help you more. That is, doing more than just educating you about ketogenic diets.

The right tools are necessary to get any work done. In case of diets, that’s where supplements come up.

We are going to say two words that you may have heard by now since you have read this far into the basics of ketogenic diet. But then, they might sound new to you as well, if you learned about ketogenic diets just earlier today.

Let’s talk a little about MCT Oil Powders and BHB Salts. Do not get baffled yet. They are totally natural and simple stuffs.

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