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How to Use Black Seed Oil for Better Health and Vitality – What Is Black Seed Oil?

Did you know that people have used black seed to make medicine for over 2000 years? Black seed oil was found in the tomb of King Tutankhamen and was reported to have been used by Cleopatra, Queen Nefertiti and Hippocrates. It was even mentioned in the book of Isaiah and by Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him). Modern research has shed light on the benefits of black seed and has helped us better understand why it was so revered in the past. Today we know that black seed is

antioxidative(1), immunomodulatory(2) anti-ulcer(3), anti-microbial(4) and even anti-cancer(5)

What is black seed oil?

Black seeds are the tiny black, sharp-cornered seeds from the plant Nigella Sativa, native to the Middle East, Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. Also known as black cumin or Kalonji, its oil is also proven to

  • improve prostate health(6)
  • improve digestion(7)
  • promote growth of healthy, thick hair(8)
  • give relief from respiratory issues(9)
  • build stronger immune system(10)
  • clear skin(11)
  • Fight certain cancerous cells(12)
  • improve fertility(13)
  • lower cholesterol(14)
  • give relief from headaches(15)
How to use black seed oil?

Historically, black seed oil was used as a natural cure for several diseases and it can either used topically or administered orally based on the condition. The various applications and methods of using black seed oil for treating different diseases are explained clearly in this free ebook on our website. Black seed oil is also used as a wholesome food supplement to tackle deficiencies in diet as it contains several nutrients essential for the smooth functioning of our bodies. It is also used for hair care and skin care due to its moisturizing, antioxidant and nutrient-laden properties.

What are the nutrients found in black seed oil?

Black seed oil is a treasure trove of vital nutrients. Its diverse chemical composition includes crystalline nigellone (main component), 15 amino acids (including 8 of the 9 essential amino acids), proteins, carbohydrates, EFA’s, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and niacin. It also contains the minerals calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc.

Black seed typically contains over 58% of omega 6 (polyunsaturated fats) EFA’s and 24% of omega 9 (monounsaturated fats), EFA’s.

Uses of black seed oil:
Black seed oil for hair growth

The presence of proteins, alkaloids, and saponins in black seed boost hair growth and slow down the aging process of cells, thus preventing hair thinning. It reduces hair fall caused due to inflammation of hair follicles, nourishes your hair, increases its shine, and eliminates scalp dryness.

How to use: – Pour black seed oil onto your palms and rub your hands together to warm it up. Massage the oil into your scalp and focus on areas that are losing the most hair.
* Now spread the oil from the roots to the tips of your hair.
* Leave it on for 30 minutes.
* Wash it off with shampoo.
Do this at least 2 times a week for best results.

Black seed oil as treatment

The strong anti-microbial properties of black seed aid in treating a plethora of common viral or bacterial infections, while some of its lesser known, yet clinically proven properties include being anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and even anti-cancer in several studies.

How to use: – This free ebook explains various applications and methods of using black seed oil for treating different diseases. Download it for free here.

Black seed oil as a supplement

Black seed oil contains vital nutrients such as omega 3,6 and 9 and is a powerful anti-oxidant, anti-eicosanoid and has proven immuno-modulatory effects. It contains beneficial amino acids and also trace minerals vital to smooth functioning of our bodies.

How to use: – Add a teaspoon of black seed oil to your cup of tea or to each meal – either two or three times a day. Alternatively, it can be taken simply as a supplement in half a glass of water (you may add honey/cinnamon) first thing in the morning and before going to bed.

Black seed oil for skin

BlackBlack seed oil is packed with essential fatty acids including linoleic acid and skin-perfecting minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium and zinc etc. Black seed oil has several properties which can reduce the symptoms of acne, including anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects. The nutritive factors in the oil can also help in repair and regeneration of damaged skin. Black seed oil is also a natural anti-histamine(17) ideal for treating skin conditions related to allergy. Use the oil as a moisturizer or healing face oil or as a balm for eczema, psoriasis or other skin diseases.

How to use: – Start adding it to your skincare routine – few drops to your cleansing oil, few drops in your moisturizing face oil or a drop or two in your lotion; or just applied plainly on blemished areas.

Black seed oil for massage

The deeply moisturizing properties of black seed oil in combination with its ability to combat common skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and fungal infections make this an ideal massage oil – when used alone or mixed with other massage oils.

How to use: – Apply on to hands or directly on to skin and use as desired. It can also be mixed with other oils to produce a synergistic effect under professional guidance.

Black seed oil for cooking

The culinary delights of this oil are another lesser known highlight. The dense, spicy and strong flavour of black seed adds not just an exotic taste to your food, but imparts several health benefits to your diet – some of which have been described above.

How to use: – Add black seed oil to your salads instead of olive oil and use as garnishing. However heat can strip the oil off some of its nutrients. You may want to add honey or lime because of its strong taste. Be sure to check the amount of oil you consume – two or three teaspoons a day are the recommended dosage.

Black seed oil as a carrier oil

A carrier oil is one which can be effectively combined with other oils to produce a synergistic effect when used for therapeutic purposes. Black seed oil is a highly coveted carrier oil due its ready miscibility and nutrient-laden, medicinal properties.

How to use: – Mix with other oils in suitable ratios under professional guidance for desired effects.

These are just some of the various uses of black seed oil that exhibit its incredible versatility.
When it comes to your health, why not go for the tried, tested and trusted?

Click here to place your order for 100% pure organic cold-pressed black seed oil today

You can download the free ebook to discover Over 105 Ways How Black Seed Oil Can Improve Your Health.

Cheers to Extraordinary Wellness,

Team Naturments






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