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Boost your heart health with natural Black Seed Oil

Modern living has its own conveniences and advantages. It’s taking us ahead technologically, socially and economically, but where is it leaving our health? Today, heart attacks are one of the most important factors for fatality in the modern world. Our hearts are taking the brunt for our hectic, unhealthy lifestyles, and that needs to change.

According to tradition, Prophet Muhammad considered black seed as a cure for every disease except death. Black seed has an extract that has been shown to possess heart-protecting qualities, which in turn help curb damages associated with heart attacks. This makes you wonder, how can black seed really promote heart health, right?

Black seed oil contains nutrients that a healthy heart requires. It is rich in unsaturated omega 6 & 9 acids, as well as in phytosterols that help reinforce elasticity in blood vessel walls. This in turn, prevents the formation of blood clots and arterial pressure. Thus, this miracle oil contains substances that give way to robust heart muscles, and make your heart rhythm responses good! Black seed oil is also rich in thymoquinone and trace minerals, that helps relax the heart, and prevent spasms in the coronary artery. Studies have shown that people with higher heart rates when given black seed oil over a period of time, have experienced a decrease in these levels.

Your cardiac health is in your hands, and at Naturments, we help you make a good choice with our healthy products. What’s best about this miracle oil is that it leads to your overall well-being. As its high in fatty acids, black seed oil can help you maintain healthier cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Treat your heart with care early on, and experience life at its best! 

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